Yoga is a spiritual science in which body, mind, and soul unify together to enhance the holistic well-being of an individual. It is derived from the sanskrit name or word “yug”, which simply means “to join” or “to yoke”. Yoga is a journey of asanas where one experiences deep relaxation, flexibility, coordination and balance. It strengthens the body, refreshes the mind and purifies the soul. Thus, brings joy and tranquility into life.
For beginners, yoga postures may appear a bit challenging at first, but with regular practice, it get easier every day. So, what are waiting for ? Commence your yoga journey by following these simple asanas.
Rejuvenate yourself by performing a downward-facing dog asana. This asana helps to soothe the mind and open up the shoulders. It also strengthens and tones the arms and legs. A healthy and natural glow appears on the face if practiced regularly.
How to do it:
Lie down on your belly and place both hands on either side of the chest. Inhale and raise yourself while exhaling in an inverted V shape. Ensure your feet touch the floor and press the shoulders with your ears. Eyes focused on the navel. Be still and take deep breaths.
Balance your life with this highly focused Tree pose. This standing asana helps to build attentiveness and brings alignment to the body. Concentration is the key while performing this pose. It helps to stretch the body from head to toe and also strengths the core muscle.
How to do it:
Stand on your yoga mat and lift the leg (right or left, your choice) and place the foot on the other straight leg above the knees. Maintain the balance and close your palms in namaste. Inhale and exhale slowly for at least 1 minute.
Open up and release your tensions with malasana – a great pose for hip opening. It’s an intense stretch for the thighs, pelvis and hamstring. It helps to tone your lower body and enhance flexibility. This deep traditional squatting pose aids in toning the muscle around the stomach, inner thighs, and glutes.
How to do it:
Stand and keep your feet apart around shoulder level, bend the knees and lower the hips slowly, and widen the feet distance more than the hips. Straighten your spine and fold your hands in namaste.
Liberate and level up your performance with the warrior pose. This pose strengthens the legs and calves. It aids in opening the shoulders and chest. It improves spine flexibility and builds up knee muscle. It also builds focus and balance.
How to do it:
Stand on your mat and bring forward one leg (left or right) around 2 feet apart. Bend your knee of the front or forward leg at a 90-degree angle. And finally, move both arms up and curve the spine into a deep stretch.
De-stress with this curvy posture, known as bhujangasana. It helps to restore lower back flexibility. It releases stiffness in the spine and shoulders. This pose helps blood circulation, reduces body fat, and improves digestive issues. It also helps to improve sleep cycle.
How to do it:
Lie down on your belly and place both hands on either side of the chest. Take a deep breath and exhale while lifting the chest and straightening the arms. Stretch the legs and face facing the sky and hold for 1 minute at least.
Experience relaxation and calmness with the child pose. This healing asana brings reenergizes and refreshes inside out. It helps to bring stillness into the chaotic mind. Deep inhaling and exhaling in this pose helps to de-stress the spine, thighs, ankles and hips. Balasana helps blood circulation flow throughout the body.
How to do it:
Simply bend the knees and lower the glutes onto the heels. Inhale and bring the chest towards the ground and stretch the arms forward with exhalation. Breathe and unwind the tense muscles.
Feel strong and loosen up with the bridge pose. This inverted back bending asana helps to strengthen the buttocks and hamstrings. It also stretches the muscle of the chest, spine and neck. It calms the mind and helps to improve digestion.
How to do it:
Simply lie down on your back. Bend your knees. Inhale and exhale while uplifting your chest and hip. Inter-twined the hands behind your back. Hold it for 30 sec and take long breaths.
Dive deep and wide with a butterfly pose. This seated asana is an intense deep stretch for the hip, inner thighs and groin muscles. It helps in reducing excess fat in the thigh region. It also relieves stress during menopause. It’s an amazing pose to practice during pregnancy period.
How to do it:
Sit on the yoga mat. Then, bend your knees and open them to the floor like an open book. Bring the soles of the feet together. Grab your toes with both hands and draw the knees inwards according to your comfortability. Gently start moving the knees up and down. Perform it for at least 1 min or so. Keep your spine straight, and don’t force.
Break your limit and move forward with pashchimottanasana. This seated forward bend tests your limits by providing intense stretch to the spine, hamstrings and calf muscles. It massages the core, abdominal and pelvic organs. Thus, it improves the flexibility of the lower back and strengthens the spine. This posture relaxes the body and mind while improving focus.
How to do it:
Sit on the yoga mat and straighten your legs. Lengthen the spine and inhale while lifting both arms. Exhale and bend forward. Try to touch the toes if possible. And if you can hold the toes, deepen your stretch by bending the elbows on either side. Hold and deep breathe for at least 2 mins.
Connect with yourself and enjoy calmness with shavasana. This posture is all about unwinding yourself. It reduces stress, awakens the soul and lowers anxiety levels. Stillness and gratitude are the key takeaways while performing this asana.
How to do it:
Lie down on your back. Separate the legs and arms. Make sure your hands are facing the sky. Close your eyes and tilt your head ever so slightly like a corpse. Breathe slowly and think nothing. Just relax.
Do you desire calmness, freedom and love for yourself? Embrace yoga. Yoga is no magic but a science of body and mind. So, let your body dive into the deep ocean of yoga to rout all the negativity and bring peace within.
“Balance in the body is the foundation for balance in life “– B.K.Iyenger