Fear of failure is an imposter monster that keeps you from taking risks, clouds self-doubts, suppresses you from dreaming big, and creates a sense of a hopeless future.
It empowers the IFs and BUTs and questions our rational judgment and decisions.
What if I do something that would upset my family?
I want to start a new venture, but I fear the risks.
What if my boss rejects my project?
Fear of failing also impacts our mental health and leads to disappointment, frustration, shame, overthinking, and embarrassment—one misstep or error and self-criticism peak to kill the peace within.
In this post, we will all survive and learn to overcome the fear of failure at work, in business, in exams, or our life.
Address the basic issue – why am I holding back? What are the stumbling blocks in the process? – is the main step to dealing with the fear of failure.
Our mind plays games whenever we want to pursue something new in life- whether in a personal or professional field. It restricts our growth and cultivates self-doubts. And obviously, in some ways, fear of failure is good as it keeps you on your toes.
So plan, rehearse and revise the pros and cons intensively to prepare for the war. If these aspects get cleared, the fear factor lessens.
Take advantage of the learnings you gained from past mistakes or failures for your next goal, task, or mission. Maybe the negative experiences of the past journey are a hard pill to swallow but look at the other side. Understand the lessons failure taught you and capitalised on them smartly.
Ask and remind yourself- what measures should I take to avoid repeating similar mistakes in the future? What small or big changes should I make to avert failure next time?
Failures don’t define you; rather, it reshapes you. It adds a fresh take to do things differently that will eventually lead to a successful path.
Failures will always be part of every process. It only happens when we allow it or make it bigger than they are.
Do not fear failure; rather, take small productive steps to counter it. It will initially make you uncomfortable as you are venturing into unfamiliar or different territory,
but a well-researched and calculated risk or move may eventually turn positive for you. As not all risks are negative.
Confront your fear of failure, and you will surprise yourself with how much strength you own within to overcome it.
To strive for perfection means to invite failure. Yes, perfectionism does increase motivation and performance but setting up extremely high standards will eventually lead to a fall. Because it is not a sustainable way to do things or tasks for a long period.
So, it’s better to ease out a little or give yourself space before you fully drain or stuck yourself into the swamp of perfectionism.
As Bill Phillips said- ” Focus on progress, not perfection”.
Fear of failure is a strong force that powers our decisions and actions. You just need to navigate it in the right direction. Don’t submit to life’s extreme point of view i.e, yes or no. As there is always a mid between the two.
This so-called black-and-white life has grey shades to it.
Embracing the grey simply implies that there are possibilities and options available to challenge the fear of failure.
Because challenge makes everything exciting, boosts self-confidence/esteem, makes you grow, and builds the courage to beat the fear of failure.
It’s high time to share your feelings with someone you trust and respect, like a friend, partner, grandpa, etc. Talking to someone helps bring a different perspective to the table or may give clear advice on what to do next. – which may change your attitude towards failures.
And you will eventually realize the hoax around the fear of failure was a mere poor judgmental thinking on your part. So, talk, share, and free yourself.
Failures are not an endgame but the beginning of something new.
Divert your focus on the things you can control rather than being stressed about the unknown.
Staying in focus brings certainty and improves self-confidence. For example- for a student, the focus should be on learning the subjects rather than worrying about grades.
Stop overthinking or analyzing the future so much that it prevents you from living the present. Everything falls into place with effort and time.
Channel all your energies into the task at hand instead of worrying about unforeseen circumstances over which you have no control.
Being afraid of failure makes you hold back from following your goals. If you think rationally, it is the thought of fear that is preventing you from dreaming. Even if we fail, we dare to survive.
Disappointments, shame, guilt, anxiety, and embarrassment, faced in relationships or at work, we all manage to pull through. So, pat your back and be kind to yourself because you deserve it.
All the blood, sweat, and tears you went through makes you a worthy candidate for compassion and warmth.
It’s a world where everyone loves the shining stars and wants to hear the victory stories, whereas the sob tales of failures get swept under the carpet and bite the dust.
But that doesn’t imply getting stuck or paralyzed by the fear of failure. To move forward in life, we need to take steps to get out of our comfort zone. What a boring life would be if we didn’t try new things! Yes, we will fail and burn in the journey. But remember to trust the process and, more importantly, to have trust in yourself.
“ The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tired. Do not fear failure rather fear not trying” – Roy.T.Bennett